1. The Club shall be called the “Canterbury League Club Limited Squash Club”.
2. In this Constitution unless inconsistent with the context or any expression to the
“Annual Report” means the report of the Committee on the activities of the Club
during the year ended 31 October other than the financial matters included in the
Financial Report.
“Chairman” shall mean the President or in his absence the Vice President of the
“Club” shall mean the Canterbury League Club Limited Squash Club.
“Club hours” means the hours during which the League Club permits the Club to
use the Squash Courts of the League Club.
“Committee” shall mean the Committee of the Canterbury League Club Limited Squash Club.
“Financial Report” means Income and Expenditure Statement and Balance Sheet
for the year ended 31 October and the auditor’s report thereon.
“League Club” shall mean the Canterbury League Club Limited (ANC 000 191 248).
“Member” shall mean financial member of the Club.
“Rule” means rule of this Constitution.
“Treasurer’s Report” means the financial report that is presented by the Treasurer
to the monthly meetings of the Committee.
3. In this Constitution and in all By-Laws made hereunder, unless the context otherwise
requires, a reference to:
(a) the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
(b) the masculine gender includes the female gender;
(c) “in writing” or “written” includes printing, lithography, photography, email, fax
and other means of representing or reproducing words in a visible form.
4. The objects for which the Club is formed are:
(a) to encourage and conduct the game of squash amongst the members of the
League Club;
(b) to hold matches, tournaments and other competitions between members and
with other clubs and to provide trophies and prizes for such competitions;
(c) to provide a social club for members of the Squash Club.
5. The following members of the League Club shall be eligible to be admitted as a
member of the Club:
(a) Full Members;
(b) Life Members;
(c) Special Members; and
(d) Junior Members.
6. Any person desiring to become a member of the Club shall show his League Club
badge to a member of Committee and shall sign such application form as may be
prescribed by the Committee.
7. Admission to membership of the Club shall be by resolution of the Committee. The
Committee shall consider all applications for membership and may elect or reject any
application or defer consideration of any application. The decision of the Committee
in respect of any application shall be final.
8. Every member shall immediately after election be notified of such election by the
Secretary who shall at the same time deliver to such member a copy of this
Constitution and the By-Laws made hereunder.
9. Upon election each member agrees to be bound by the Constitution and By-Laws of
the Club as amended from time to time.
10. The Club Membership year shall begin on 1 January and shall end on 31 December
in each year.
11. Every member shall pay a Membership Fee determined by the Committee. Until
otherwise resolved by the Committee, the Membership Fee shall be paid annually in
12. If any member fails to pay his Membership Fee within one (1) month of the due date,
his name may be erased from the Register of Members and he shall cease to be a
member of the Club.
13. The Committee shall be entitled to prescribe additional fees (“Competition Fees”) that
shall be payable by members who desire to participate in the following competitions:
(a) Pennant Competitions;
(b) Masters Competitions;
(c) Daytime Competitions; and
(d) Summer Competitions.
14. The Committee shall have the sole right to determine which members are eligible to
be selected by the Selection Committee to play in the competitions referred to in Rule
15. Each member, other than a member who is a Junior Member of the League Club,
shall be entitled to the following rights and privileges:
(a) the right to vote at the Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General
Meetings of the Club;
(b) the right to be elected or appointed to any position on the Committee or
Selection Committee of the Club;
(c) the right to play squash during Club hours on Saturdays and Sundays (“Social
Squash Hours”);
(d) the right, subject to Rule 18, to participate in the Annual Club Championships;
(e) the right to participate in any other competitions determined by the Club;
(f) the right to attend social functions of the Club upon payment of such charge
as may be determined by the Committee;
(g) the right to exercise such other rights and privileges as may be determined by
the Committee.
16. A member who is a Junior member of the League Club shall be entitled to all of the
privileges referred to in Rule 15, except the rights referred to in sub rules (a), (b) and
(f) of Rule 15. A member who is a Junior member of the League Club shall only be
entitled to attend social functions of the Club in the company and at the invitation of
his parent or other responsible adult and on terms approved by the Chief Executive
Officer of the League Club.
17. The Courts shall be reserved during Club hours from Monday to Friday for the
following purposes:
(a) matches of the Pennant Competitions;
(b) matches of the Masters Competitions;
(c) matches of the Summer Competitions;
(d) matches of the Daytime Competitions;
(e) matches of the Annual Club Championships;
(f) matches of any other competitions conducted by the Club;
(g) practice for members who are participating in the current or next Pennant
Competition or Masters Competitions; and
(h) for such other purposes as may be determined by the Committee.
18. Every financial member of the Club shall be entitled to participate in the Club Championships but the Club Captain shall determine the divisions into which members shall be entitled to enter.
19. The Committee shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer,
Club Captain and a maximum of six (6) other members of the Committee. A member
may be elected or appointed to a maximum of two (2) positions on the Committee.
The Club may also have a Patron or Patrons, if the Committee so resolves.
20. No person shall be qualified to be a member of the Committee unless he is a member
of the Club.
21. The Committee shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting and shall hold office
until the next Annual General Meeting.
22. The election of the Committee shall take place in the following manner:
(a) Nominations for the Committee shall be delivered to the Secretary of the Club
or made by completing the nomination notice placed on the Club Notice Board
for that purpose by the Secretary of the Club not less than seven (7) days prior
to the date fixed for the holding of the Annual General Meeting.
(b) Nominations for the Committee shall be in writing and shall be signed by two
members and by the nominee who shall signify his consent in writing to such
(c) The Secretary shall prepare a list of the names of the candidates and their
proposers and shall place such list on the Notice Board on the day following
the day on which nominations close for the election of the Committee.
(d) If more than the required number of candidates is nominated for any position
on the Committee, the Chairman shall direct that a ballot shall take place at
the meeting.
(e) If the full number of candidates is not nominated for any position on the
Committee then additional nominations may with the consent of the nominee
or nominees, be made at the Annual General Meeting provided such nominees
are present at the meeting or signify their consent in writing to the meeting. In
such an event:
(i) the Chairman shall declare elected the candidates who were correctly
nominated for that position in accordance with sub-paragraph (a)
above; and
(ii) the Chairman shall then direct that a ballot shall take place at the
meeting in order to determine who shall fill the remaining positions.
(f) A candidate may at any time withdraw from an election to any position before
the election for such position takes place. In such event the Chairman shall
ensure that the name of such candidate is deleted from the ballot paper
prepared in relation to the position from which he has withdrawn.
(g) (Deleted 27 March 2010)
(h) Members shall mark their ballot papers in such manner as shall, subject to
Rule 59, be determined by the Chairman.
(i) The ballot shall be conducted by the Returning Officer appointed by the Annual
General Meeting, assisted by such scrutineers as may be appointed at the
Annual General Meeting. Each candidate shall have the right to appoint one
scrutineer if he so desires.
(j) At the closing of the ballot the Returning Officer, assisted by the scrutineers,
shall proceed with the examination of the ballot papers and shall report the
result to the Chairman of the Annual General Meeting who shall then declare
the candidate or candidates who received the greatest number of votes to be
duly elected.
(k) Any question relating to the formality of any ballot paper shall be referred to
the Chairman whose decision shall be final.
(l) In the event of an equality of votes in favour of two or more candidates, the
Chairman shall direct that another ballot shall take place. The Chairman shall
have a casting vote or votes in the event of two (2) or more candidates
obtaining an equal number of votes on the second ballot.
23. The business and general affairs of the Club shall be under management of the
Committee which shall have full control of the property of the Club and absolute
authority, subject to the directions from the Board of Directors of the League Club, to
make all decisions relating to the conduct and administration of all affairs and
business of the Club including the rights and privileges of members except in so far
as is otherwise expressly provided by this Constitution. In particular, but without
limiting the powers of the Committee, the Committee shall have power to do the
following acts:
(a) To appoint any delegate or delegates to represent the Club for any purpose
with such powers as the Committee thinks fit;
(b) To appoint sub-committees for any purpose which the Committee may
consider desirable and to delegate to such sub-committees such powers and
duties as the Committee may determine;
(c) To make by-laws, which in the opinion of the Committee are necessary and
desirable for the proper control, administration and management of the Club
and for the convenience, comfort and well-being of the members of the Club
and to amend or rescind such by-laws;
(d) To fix fees and fines to be paid by members in relation to social functions and
such other matters as may be prescribed from time to time by the Committee;
(e) To enforce the observance of by-laws and decisions of the Committee by the
imposition of a fine or by the suspension from enjoyment of the privileges of
membership or any of them or otherwise as the Committee thinks fit;
(f) To purchase or otherwise acquire for the Club any property or article at such
price and upon such terms and conditions as it shall think fit;
(g) To determine who shall be entitled to sign agreements and documents on
behalf of the Committee and the Club;
(h) To provide for different classes of membership and to define such classes and
to determine the rights and privileges attaching to such classes of membership
by by-law;
(i) To fix the maximum number of each class of members who may be admitted
to the Club and to determine the maximum number of members who shall be
eligible or entitled to play in the competitions conducted by the Club or in the
competitions in which the Club enters teams;
(j) To reduce, suspend or waiver the payment of any Membership Fee,
Competition Fee other fee or charge and to impose a penalty in respect of the
late payment of any fee or other charge determined by the Committee;
(k) To appoint members to specialised positions on the Committee such as
Assistant Secretary, Assistant Club Captain, Club Room Officer and Roster
Officer and to determine the duties attaching to such positions;
(l) To make by-laws regulating the conduct of Committee Meetings, Annual
General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Club.
24. The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence and attend to all secretarial duties
on behalf of the Club. The Secretary shall keep a Register of Members and shall
have the custody of all documents and records of the Club. The Secretary shall
perform such additional duties as the Committee shall determine and he shall present
a report to each meeting of the Committee.
25. The Treasurer shall receive and disburse the moneys of the Club in accordance with
the directions of the Committee. He shall keep correct accounts of all transactions
and shall deposit all moneys received by him in the bank approved from time to time
by the Committee. He shall present a Treasurer’s Report to each meeting of the
Committee and an audited Financial Report to the Annual General Meeting of the
Club. The audit of the Financial Report shall be undertaken by the Financial Review
Officer appointed by the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall be entitled
to make by-laws prescribing the format and standards that have to be complied with
in the preparation of the Treasurer’s Report and the Financial Report.
26. Until otherwise resolved by the Committee all cheques drawn on the Club Bank
Account shall be signed by any two (2) of the President, Secretary, Treasurer or Club
Captain and no cheque shall be drawn nor any payment made without the authority
of the Committee.
27. The Club Captain shall be responsible for the conduct of the following competitions:
(a) Annual Club Championships;
(b) Pennant Competitions;
(c) Daytime Competitions;
(d) Summer Competitions;
(e) any other competitions determined by the Committee.
28. The Club Captain shall keep records of all competition matches and championships
and shall present a report to each Committee Meeting. He shall decide all disputes
between members as to any rule or interpretation of any rule of the game of squash
and his decision in that regard shall be final.
29. If any member of the Committee shall die or fail to attend three (3) consecutive
meetings of the Committee without leave of absence or if he shall resign or be
expelled either as a member of the Club or of the League Club or if he shall cease to
be a financial member of the League Club, his position on the Committee shall be
declared vacant by the Committee and the Committee may appoint a successor to
hold office until the next election by the Annual General Meeting.
30. The Committee shall be entitled to appoint any member to fill any position on the
Committee or on the Selection Committee or as Financial Review Officer of the Club
that is not filled at the Annual General Meeting and such person shall hold office until
the next Annual General Meeting.
31. The members of the Club may by resolution passed at any Extraordinary General
Meeting remove any member of the Committee before the expiration of his period of
office and appoint another member to the Committee in his place. The members of
the Club may by resolution passed at an Extraordinary General Meeting remove any
member of the Selection Committee except the Club Captain before the expiration of
his period of office and appoint another member to the Selection Committee in his
place. The vacancy created by the removal of a person under this rule may be filled
by resolution of the Committee if the vacancy is not filled at the meeting at which he
is removed. The person so appointed shall hold office until the next Annual General
32. The Secretary shall give the member of the Committee or the Selection Committee a
copy of the notice of intended resolution pursuant to Rule 31 and such person shall
be entitled to be heard on the resolution at the Extraordinary General Meeting.
33. A member of the Committee or the Selection Committee shall not be removed or
required to vacate his office by reason of any resolution, request or notice of the
Committee or the Selection Committee or any member of the Committee or Selection
34. The Committee shall have the power to appoint one (1) additional person to the
Committee to perform such duties and responsibilities as may be determined by the
Committee and any such person shall hold office until the next Annual General
Meeting unless the Committee revokes such appointment beforehand.
35. The Annual Meeting of the Club shall be held during the months of February or March
each year. The day, time and place of the holding of the Annual General Meeting
shall be determined by the Committee. Any General Meeting other than the Annual
General Meeting shall be an Extraordinary General Meeting.
36. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be as follows:
(a) To confirm the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
(b) To receive and consider the Annual Report.
(c) To receive and consider the Financial Report.
(d) To elect the Committee for the ensuing year.
(e) To elect the Selection Committee for the ensuing year.
(f) To appoint the Financial Review Officer for the ensuing year.
(g) Special Business.
(h) General Business.
37. The Committee may whenever it considers it necessary for a special purpose and
shall upon receipt of a requisition in writing signed by not less than ten (10) members,
call an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of the Club and such
Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held within one (1) month of the Secretary
receiving the requisition. The requisition shall state the purpose for which the meeting
is to be called and no other business shall be transacted or matter discussed at the
38. At least twenty one (21) days notice in writing of Extraordinary General Meetings and
Annual General Meetings shall be given to the members of the Club by placing a copy
of the notice on the Notice Board in the Club premises. Such notice shall state the day,
time, place and the business to be transacted at the meeting.
39. A copy of the Financial Report shall be placed upon the Notice Board in the Club, not
less than seven (7) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. A copy of the Financial
Report and Annual Report of the Club shall be handed to members on the day of the
Annual General Meeting.
40. The Chairman of the Club shall be entitled to preside at the Annual General Meeting
and all Extraordinary General Meetings and in his absence the members present
shall elect one of their number to be Acting Chairman of the meeting. The Secretary
shall take the chair for the purpose only of the election of the Acting Chairman but
without the right to vote. Any person elected to the position of Acting Chairman shall
have the same voting powers as the Chairman.
41. Voting at Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings shall be on
a show of hands in the first instance unless a ballot is required by the provisions of
these Rules. A poll shall be held if requested by the Chairman or any three (3)
members present at the meeting. Every member shall be entitled to one (1) vote and
in the event of an equality of votes the Chairman shall, subject to the provisions of
Rule 22 (l), have a casting or second vote on a show of hands, ballot or poll.
42. Fifteen (15) members present and entitled to vote at an Annual General Meeting, or
Extraordinary General Meeting shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not present
within fifteen (15) minutes of the time fixed for an Extraordinary General Meeting the
meeting shall be dissolved. If a quorum is not present within fifteen (15) minutes of
the time fixed for an Annual General Meeting the meeting shall stand adjourned to
the same time and place on the same day of the following week and if the required
quorum is not present within the required period of time at the adjourned meeting
then the members present shall constitute a quorum.
43. Minutes of the proceedings of Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General
Meetings shall be kept by the Secretary and shall be available for the inspection of
any member.
44. The Committee shall meet four (4) times per year to conduct the affairs of the Club and
those meetings shall take place at the time and place determined by the Committee or
the President.
45. Five (5) members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not
present within fifteen (15) minutes of the time fixed for the meeting it shall stand
adjourned to the same time and place on the same day of the following week and, if
the required quorum is not represent within the required period at the adjourned
meeting, the members present shall constitute a quorum.
46. The Chairman shall be entitled to preside at all meetings of the Committee and in his
absence an Acting Chairman shall be elected in the manner and shall have the voting
powers as the Chairman.
47. Voting at Committee Meetings shall be on a show of hands in the first instance unless
a poll is required by the Chairman or any two (2) members of the Committee. Every
member shall be entitled to one (1) vote and in the event of an equality of votes the
Chairman shall have a casting or second vote both on a show of hands and on a poll.
48. Any member of the Committee is authorised to advise any member of any decision
of the Committee and shall furnish such information upon the request of any member
of the Club. At no time, however, shall any member of the Committee divulge the
names of the persons who proposed any motion or spoke for or against any motion
whether such motion was carried or defeated.
49. Any member may resign by giving notice of resignation in writing to a member of the
Committee. Every resignation shall take effect immediately upon receipt by the
Secretary of such notice.
50. If any member shall wilfully refuse or neglect to comply with the provisions of this
Constitution or any By-Law or decision of the Committee or shall be guilty of any
conduct which, in the opinion of the Committee, is unbecoming of a member or
prejudicial to the interests of the Club, such member may be expelled by resolution
of the Committee and such resolution need not state the grounds, facts or opinions
upon which such resolution is based. A resolution to expel a member shall not be
accepted or discussed unless seven (7) clear days notice of such intended resolution
has previously been given to such member and he has been requested to be present
at the meeting in order that he may have the opportunity of giving any explanation
that he may think fit. The powers conferred upon the Committee under Rule 23 (e)
are in addition to the powers contained in this rule.
51. If after due enquiry, the Committee is of the opinion that the conduct of the member
is unbecoming of a member of the League Club or prejudicial of the interests of the
League Club, then the Chairman shall also bring such matter to the attention of the
Board of Directors so that the Board of Directors may decide whether the member
should be dealt with under the provisions of the Constitution of the League Club.
52. The Selection Committee shall consist of the Club Captain and such number of other
selectors as shall be determined by the members at each Annual General Meeting of
the Club.
53. The nomination and election of the members of the Selection Committee shall take
place in the same manner as the election of the Committee as provided in Rule 22.
54. The Selection Committee shall grade the teams for the Pennant Competitions,
Masters Competitions and Daytime Competitions.
55. The Club Captain shall attend all meetings of the Selection Committee and in his
absence the members present shall elect one of their number to preside at the
meeting. The Club Captain may at any time and upon the request of the Committee
convene a meeting of the Selection Committee. The provisions of Rule 47 shall apply
to meetings of the Selection Committee with the exception that the Club Captain shall,
unless otherwise so resolved by the members, in Annual General Meeting, be only
entitled to a vote in the event of there being an equality of votes in which event the
Club Captain shall be entitled to exercise a casting vote.
56. The Club Captain shall be the sole selector for the following competitions:
(a) Annual Club Championships;
(b) Summer competitions; and;
(c) All other competitions with the exception of the competitions referred to in Rule
57. The Club Captain shall be entitled to refer any matter for the decision of the
Committee and in such event a decision upon any such matter shall be final and
binding upon the Selection Committee and the Captain.
58. Life Membership may be conferred upon a member of the Club by resolution passed
at an Annual General Meeting. No person shall be made a Life Member except in
the case of exceptional, unusual or distinguished merit and only on the
recommendation of the Committee endorsed by a two-thirds majority of the members
present and voting at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee may prescribe
by-laws that set out requirements that have to be complied with in order to nominate
a member as a Life Member of the Club.
59. The ballots for the election of the members of the Committee and the Selection
Committee shall be by way of the first past the post system except that the Committee
may at any time determine that the ballots for all or some of the positions of President,
Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Club Captain shall be by way of preferential
ballot. The Committee shall be entitled to prescribe by-laws as to how such ballots
shall be conducted.
60. Any notice of motion relating to any matter, including a notice of motion to amend this
Constitution, shall be lodged with the Secretary at least twenty-eight (28) days prior
to the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.
61. No amendment shall be made to this Constitution except by resolution passed at the
Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club. A
resolution to amend or, add to this Constitution must be passed by a two-thirds
majority of the votes cast at the meeting.
62. No amendment to this Constitution shall take effect unless and until it has been
approved by resolution of the Board of the League Club.
63. The income and property of the Club shall be applied solely for the promotion of the
objects of the Club set out in this Constitution and no portion thereof shall be paid
directly or indirectly by dividend, bonus or otherwise by way of profit to the members
of the Club. On a winding up the remaining assets of the Club shall only be transferred
to another non-profit club.
64. The Club is a sub-club of the League Club and is bound by the provisions of Rule 59
of the Constitution of the League Club.
65. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed.
1 |
Adopted - 28 March 2009 |
2 |
Amended - 27 March 2010 |
3 |
Amended - 26 March 2011 |
3 |
Amended - 19 March 2016 |
3 |
Amended - 21 March 2020 |
2020 Constitution
1. The Club shall be called the “Canterbury League Club Limited Squash Club”.
2. In this Constitution unless inconsistent with the context or any expression to the
“Annual Report” means the report of the Committee on the activities of the Club
during the year ended 31 October other than the financial matters included in the
Financial Report.
“Chairman” shall mean the President or in his absence the Vice President of the
“Club” shall mean the Canterbury League Club Limited Squash Club.
“Club hours” means the hours during which the League Club permits the Club to
use the Squash Courts of the League Club.
“Committee” shall mean the Committee of the Canterbury League Club Limited Squash Club.
“Financial Report” means Income and Expenditure Statement and Balance Sheet
for the year ended 31 October and the auditor’s report thereon.
“League Club” shall mean the Canterbury League Club Limited (ANC 000 191 248).
“Member” shall mean financial member of the Club.
“Rule” means rule of this Constitution.
“Treasurer’s Report” means the financial report that is presented by the Treasurer
to the monthly meetings of the Committee.
3. In this Constitution and in all By-Laws made hereunder, unless the context otherwise
requires, a reference to:
(a) the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
(b) the masculine gender includes the female gender;
(c) “in writing” or “written” includes printing, lithography, photography, email, fax
and other means of representing or reproducing words in a visible form.
4. The objects for which the Club is formed are:
(a) to encourage and conduct the game of squash amongst the members of the
League Club;
(b) to hold matches, tournaments and other competitions between members and
with other clubs and to provide trophies and prizes for such competitions;
(c) to provide a social club for members of the Squash Club.
5. The following members of the League Club shall be eligible to be admitted as a
member of the Club:
(a) Full Members;
(b) Life Members;
(c) Special Members; and
(d) Junior Members.
6. Any person desiring to become a member of the Club shall show his League Club
badge to a member of Committee and shall sign such application form as may be
prescribed by the Committee.
7. Admission to membership of the Club shall be by resolution of the Committee. The
Committee shall consider all applications for membership and may elect or reject any
application or defer consideration of any application. The decision of the Committee
in respect of any application shall be final.
8. Every member shall immediately after election be notified of such election by the
Secretary who shall at the same time deliver to such member a copy of this
Constitution and the By-Laws made hereunder.
9. Upon election each member agrees to be bound by the Constitution and By-Laws of
the Club as amended from time to time.
10. The Club Membership year shall begin on 1 January and shall end on 31 December
in each year.
11. Every member shall pay a Membership Fee determined by the Committee. Until
otherwise resolved by the Committee, the Membership Fee shall be paid annually in
12. If any member fails to pay his Membership Fee within one (1) month of the due date,
his name may be erased from the Register of Members and he shall cease to be a
member of the Club.
13. The Committee shall be entitled to prescribe additional fees (“Competition Fees”) that
shall be payable by members who desire to participate in the following competitions:
(a) Pennant Competitions;
(b) Masters Competitions;
(c) Daytime Competitions; and
(d) Summer Competitions.
14. The Committee shall have the sole right to determine which members are eligible to
be selected by the Selection Committee to play in the competitions referred to in Rule
15. Each member, other than a member who is a Junior Member of the League Club,
shall be entitled to the following rights and privileges:
(a) the right to vote at the Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General
Meetings of the Club;
(b) the right to be elected or appointed to any position on the Committee or
Selection Committee of the Club;
(c) the right to play squash during Club hours on Saturdays and Sundays (“Social
Squash Hours”);
(d) the right, subject to Rule 18, to participate in the Annual Club Championships;
(e) the right to participate in any other competitions determined by the Club;
(f) the right to attend social functions of the Club upon payment of such charge
as may be determined by the Committee;
(g) the right to exercise such other rights and privileges as may be determined by
the Committee.
16. A member who is a Junior member of the League Club shall be entitled to all of the
privileges referred to in Rule 15, except the rights referred to in sub rules (a), (b) and
(f) of Rule 15. A member who is a Junior member of the League Club shall only be
entitled to attend social functions of the Club in the company and at the invitation of
his parent or other responsible adult and on terms approved by the Chief Executive
Officer of the League Club.
17. The Courts shall be reserved during Club hours from Monday to Friday for the
following purposes:
(a) matches of the Pennant Competitions;
(b) matches of the Masters Competitions;
(c) matches of the Summer Competitions;
(d) matches of the Daytime Competitions;
(e) matches of the Annual Club Championships;
(f) matches of any other competitions conducted by the Club;
(g) practice for members who are participating in the current or next Pennant
Competition or Masters Competitions; and
(h) for such other purposes as may be determined by the Committee.
18. Every financial member of the Club shall be entitled to participate in the Club Championships but the Club Captain shall determine the divisions into which members shall be entitled to enter.
19. The Committee shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer,
Club Captain and a maximum of six (6) other members of the Committee. A member
may be elected or appointed to a maximum of two (2) positions on the Committee.
The Club may also have a Patron or Patrons, if the Committee so resolves.
20. No person shall be qualified to be a member of the Committee unless he is a member
of the Club.
21. The Committee shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting and shall hold office
until the next Annual General Meeting.
22. The election of the Committee shall take place in the following manner:
(a) Nominations for the Committee shall be delivered to the Secretary of the Club
or made by completing the nomination notice placed on the Club Notice Board
for that purpose by the Secretary of the Club not less than seven (7) days prior
to the date fixed for the holding of the Annual General Meeting.
(b) Nominations for the Committee shall be in writing and shall be signed by two
members and by the nominee who shall signify his consent in writing to such
(c) The Secretary shall prepare a list of the names of the candidates and their
proposers and shall place such list on the Notice Board on the day following
the day on which nominations close for the election of the Committee.
(d) If more than the required number of candidates is nominated for any position
on the Committee, the Chairman shall direct that a ballot shall take place at
the meeting.
(e) If the full number of candidates is not nominated for any position on the
Committee then additional nominations may with the consent of the nominee
or nominees, be made at the Annual General Meeting provided such nominees
are present at the meeting or signify their consent in writing to the meeting. In
such an event:
(i) the Chairman shall declare elected the candidates who were correctly
nominated for that position in accordance with sub-paragraph (a)
above; and
(ii) the Chairman shall then direct that a ballot shall take place at the
meeting in order to determine who shall fill the remaining positions.
(f) A candidate may at any time withdraw from an election to any position before
the election for such position takes place. In such event the Chairman shall
ensure that the name of such candidate is deleted from the ballot paper
prepared in relation to the position from which he has withdrawn.
(g) (Deleted 27 March 2010)
(h) Members shall mark their ballot papers in such manner as shall, subject to
Rule 59, be determined by the Chairman.
(i) The ballot shall be conducted by the Returning Officer appointed by the Annual
General Meeting, assisted by such scrutineers as may be appointed at the
Annual General Meeting. Each candidate shall have the right to appoint one
scrutineer if he so desires.
(j) At the closing of the ballot the Returning Officer, assisted by the scrutineers,
shall proceed with the examination of the ballot papers and shall report the
result to the Chairman of the Annual General Meeting who shall then declare
the candidate or candidates who received the greatest number of votes to be
duly elected.
(k) Any question relating to the formality of any ballot paper shall be referred to
the Chairman whose decision shall be final.
(l) In the event of an equality of votes in favour of two or more candidates, the
Chairman shall direct that another ballot shall take place. The Chairman shall
have a casting vote or votes in the event of two (2) or more candidates
obtaining an equal number of votes on the second ballot.
23. The business and general affairs of the Club shall be under management of the
Committee which shall have full control of the property of the Club and absolute
authority, subject to the directions from the Board of Directors of the League Club, to
make all decisions relating to the conduct and administration of all affairs and
business of the Club including the rights and privileges of members except in so far
as is otherwise expressly provided by this Constitution. In particular, but without
limiting the powers of the Committee, the Committee shall have power to do the
following acts:
(a) To appoint any delegate or delegates to represent the Club for any purpose
with such powers as the Committee thinks fit;
(b) To appoint sub-committees for any purpose which the Committee may
consider desirable and to delegate to such sub-committees such powers and
duties as the Committee may determine;
(c) To make by-laws, which in the opinion of the Committee are necessary and
desirable for the proper control, administration and management of the Club
and for the convenience, comfort and well-being of the members of the Club
and to amend or rescind such by-laws;
(d) To fix fees and fines to be paid by members in relation to social functions and
such other matters as may be prescribed from time to time by the Committee;
(e) To enforce the observance of by-laws and decisions of the Committee by the
imposition of a fine or by the suspension from enjoyment of the privileges of
membership or any of them or otherwise as the Committee thinks fit;
(f) To purchase or otherwise acquire for the Club any property or article at such
price and upon such terms and conditions as it shall think fit;
(g) To determine who shall be entitled to sign agreements and documents on
behalf of the Committee and the Club;
(h) To provide for different classes of membership and to define such classes and
to determine the rights and privileges attaching to such classes of membership
by by-law;
(i) To fix the maximum number of each class of members who may be admitted
to the Club and to determine the maximum number of members who shall be
eligible or entitled to play in the competitions conducted by the Club or in the
competitions in which the Club enters teams;
(j) To reduce, suspend or waiver the payment of any Membership Fee,
Competition Fee other fee or charge and to impose a penalty in respect of the
late payment of any fee or other charge determined by the Committee;
(k) To appoint members to specialised positions on the Committee such as
Assistant Secretary, Assistant Club Captain, Club Room Officer and Roster
Officer and to determine the duties attaching to such positions;
(l) To make by-laws regulating the conduct of Committee Meetings, Annual
General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Club.
24. The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence and attend to all secretarial duties
on behalf of the Club. The Secretary shall keep a Register of Members and shall
have the custody of all documents and records of the Club. The Secretary shall
perform such additional duties as the Committee shall determine and he shall present
a report to each meeting of the Committee.
25. The Treasurer shall receive and disburse the moneys of the Club in accordance with
the directions of the Committee. He shall keep correct accounts of all transactions
and shall deposit all moneys received by him in the bank approved from time to time
by the Committee. He shall present a Treasurer’s Report to each meeting of the
Committee and an audited Financial Report to the Annual General Meeting of the
Club. The audit of the Financial Report shall be undertaken by the Financial Review
Officer appointed by the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall be entitled
to make by-laws prescribing the format and standards that have to be complied with
in the preparation of the Treasurer’s Report and the Financial Report.
26. Until otherwise resolved by the Committee all cheques drawn on the Club Bank
Account shall be signed by any two (2) of the President, Secretary, Treasurer or Club
Captain and no cheque shall be drawn nor any payment made without the authority
of the Committee.
27. The Club Captain shall be responsible for the conduct of the following competitions:
(a) Annual Club Championships;
(b) Pennant Competitions;
(c) Daytime Competitions;
(d) Summer Competitions;
(e) any other competitions determined by the Committee.
28. The Club Captain shall keep records of all competition matches and championships
and shall present a report to each Committee Meeting. He shall decide all disputes
between members as to any rule or interpretation of any rule of the game of squash
and his decision in that regard shall be final.
29. If any member of the Committee shall die or fail to attend three (3) consecutive
meetings of the Committee without leave of absence or if he shall resign or be
expelled either as a member of the Club or of the League Club or if he shall cease to
be a financial member of the League Club, his position on the Committee shall be
declared vacant by the Committee and the Committee may appoint a successor to
hold office until the next election by the Annual General Meeting.
30. The Committee shall be entitled to appoint any member to fill any position on the
Committee or on the Selection Committee or as Financial Review Officer of the Club
that is not filled at the Annual General Meeting and such person shall hold office until
the next Annual General Meeting.
31. The members of the Club may by resolution passed at any Extraordinary General
Meeting remove any member of the Committee before the expiration of his period of
office and appoint another member to the Committee in his place. The members of
the Club may by resolution passed at an Extraordinary General Meeting remove any
member of the Selection Committee except the Club Captain before the expiration of
his period of office and appoint another member to the Selection Committee in his
place. The vacancy created by the removal of a person under this rule may be filled
by resolution of the Committee if the vacancy is not filled at the meeting at which he
is removed. The person so appointed shall hold office until the next Annual General
32. The Secretary shall give the member of the Committee or the Selection Committee a
copy of the notice of intended resolution pursuant to Rule 31 and such person shall
be entitled to be heard on the resolution at the Extraordinary General Meeting.
33. A member of the Committee or the Selection Committee shall not be removed or
required to vacate his office by reason of any resolution, request or notice of the
Committee or the Selection Committee or any member of the Committee or Selection
34. The Committee shall have the power to appoint one (1) additional person to the
Committee to perform such duties and responsibilities as may be determined by the
Committee and any such person shall hold office until the next Annual General
Meeting unless the Committee revokes such appointment beforehand.
35. The Annual Meeting of the Club shall be held during the months of February or March
each year. The day, time and place of the holding of the Annual General Meeting
shall be determined by the Committee. Any General Meeting other than the Annual
General Meeting shall be an Extraordinary General Meeting.
36. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be as follows:
(a) To confirm the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
(b) To receive and consider the Annual Report.
(c) To receive and consider the Financial Report.
(d) To elect the Committee for the ensuing year.
(e) To elect the Selection Committee for the ensuing year.
(f) To appoint the Financial Review Officer for the ensuing year.
(g) Special Business.
(h) General Business.
37. The Committee may whenever it considers it necessary for a special purpose and
shall upon receipt of a requisition in writing signed by not less than ten (10) members,
call an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of the Club and such
Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held within one (1) month of the Secretary
receiving the requisition. The requisition shall state the purpose for which the meeting
is to be called and no other business shall be transacted or matter discussed at the
38. At least twenty one (21) days notice in writing of Extraordinary General Meetings and
Annual General Meetings shall be given to the members of the Club by placing a copy
of the notice on the Notice Board in the Club premises. Such notice shall state the day,
time, place and the business to be transacted at the meeting.
39. A copy of the Financial Report shall be placed upon the Notice Board in the Club, not
less than seven (7) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. A copy of the Financial
Report and Annual Report of the Club shall be handed to members on the day of the
Annual General Meeting.
40. The Chairman of the Club shall be entitled to preside at the Annual General Meeting
and all Extraordinary General Meetings and in his absence the members present
shall elect one of their number to be Acting Chairman of the meeting. The Secretary
shall take the chair for the purpose only of the election of the Acting Chairman but
without the right to vote. Any person elected to the position of Acting Chairman shall
have the same voting powers as the Chairman.
41. Voting at Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings shall be on
a show of hands in the first instance unless a ballot is required by the provisions of
these Rules. A poll shall be held if requested by the Chairman or any three (3)
members present at the meeting. Every member shall be entitled to one (1) vote and
in the event of an equality of votes the Chairman shall, subject to the provisions of
Rule 22 (l), have a casting or second vote on a show of hands, ballot or poll.
42. Fifteen (15) members present and entitled to vote at an Annual General Meeting, or
Extraordinary General Meeting shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not present
within fifteen (15) minutes of the time fixed for an Extraordinary General Meeting the
meeting shall be dissolved. If a quorum is not present within fifteen (15) minutes of
the time fixed for an Annual General Meeting the meeting shall stand adjourned to
the same time and place on the same day of the following week and if the required
quorum is not present within the required period of time at the adjourned meeting
then the members present shall constitute a quorum.
43. Minutes of the proceedings of Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General
Meetings shall be kept by the Secretary and shall be available for the inspection of
any member.
44. The Committee shall meet four (4) times per year to conduct the affairs of the Club and
those meetings shall take place at the time and place determined by the Committee or
the President.
45. Five (5) members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not
present within fifteen (15) minutes of the time fixed for the meeting it shall stand
adjourned to the same time and place on the same day of the following week and, if
the required quorum is not represent within the required period at the adjourned
meeting, the members present shall constitute a quorum.
46. The Chairman shall be entitled to preside at all meetings of the Committee and in his
absence an Acting Chairman shall be elected in the manner and shall have the voting
powers as the Chairman.
47. Voting at Committee Meetings shall be on a show of hands in the first instance unless
a poll is required by the Chairman or any two (2) members of the Committee. Every
member shall be entitled to one (1) vote and in the event of an equality of votes the
Chairman shall have a casting or second vote both on a show of hands and on a poll.
48. Any member of the Committee is authorised to advise any member of any decision
of the Committee and shall furnish such information upon the request of any member
of the Club. At no time, however, shall any member of the Committee divulge the
names of the persons who proposed any motion or spoke for or against any motion
whether such motion was carried or defeated.
49. Any member may resign by giving notice of resignation in writing to a member of the
Committee. Every resignation shall take effect immediately upon receipt by the
Secretary of such notice.
50. If any member shall wilfully refuse or neglect to comply with the provisions of this
Constitution or any By-Law or decision of the Committee or shall be guilty of any
conduct which, in the opinion of the Committee, is unbecoming of a member or
prejudicial to the interests of the Club, such member may be expelled by resolution
of the Committee and such resolution need not state the grounds, facts or opinions
upon which such resolution is based. A resolution to expel a member shall not be
accepted or discussed unless seven (7) clear days notice of such intended resolution
has previously been given to such member and he has been requested to be present
at the meeting in order that he may have the opportunity of giving any explanation
that he may think fit. The powers conferred upon the Committee under Rule 23 (e)
are in addition to the powers contained in this rule.
51. If after due enquiry, the Committee is of the opinion that the conduct of the member
is unbecoming of a member of the League Club or prejudicial of the interests of the
League Club, then the Chairman shall also bring such matter to the attention of the
Board of Directors so that the Board of Directors may decide whether the member
should be dealt with under the provisions of the Constitution of the League Club.
52. The Selection Committee shall consist of the Club Captain and such number of other
selectors as shall be determined by the members at each Annual General Meeting of
the Club.
53. The nomination and election of the members of the Selection Committee shall take
place in the same manner as the election of the Committee as provided in Rule 22.
54. The Selection Committee shall grade the teams for the Pennant Competitions,
Masters Competitions and Daytime Competitions.
55. The Club Captain shall attend all meetings of the Selection Committee and in his
absence the members present shall elect one of their number to preside at the
meeting. The Club Captain may at any time and upon the request of the Committee
convene a meeting of the Selection Committee. The provisions of Rule 47 shall apply
to meetings of the Selection Committee with the exception that the Club Captain shall,
unless otherwise so resolved by the members, in Annual General Meeting, be only
entitled to a vote in the event of there being an equality of votes in which event the
Club Captain shall be entitled to exercise a casting vote.
56. The Club Captain shall be the sole selector for the following competitions:
(a) Annual Club Championships;
(b) Summer competitions; and;
(c) All other competitions with the exception of the competitions referred to in Rule
57. The Club Captain shall be entitled to refer any matter for the decision of the
Committee and in such event a decision upon any such matter shall be final and
binding upon the Selection Committee and the Captain.
58. Life Membership may be conferred upon a member of the Club by resolution passed
at an Annual General Meeting. No person shall be made a Life Member except in
the case of exceptional, unusual or distinguished merit and only on the
recommendation of the Committee endorsed by a two-thirds majority of the members
present and voting at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee may prescribe
by-laws that set out requirements that have to be complied with in order to nominate
a member as a Life Member of the Club.
59. The ballots for the election of the members of the Committee and the Selection
Committee shall be by way of the first past the post system except that the Committee
may at any time determine that the ballots for all or some of the positions of President,
Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Club Captain shall be by way of preferential
ballot. The Committee shall be entitled to prescribe by-laws as to how such ballots
shall be conducted.
60. Any notice of motion relating to any matter, including a notice of motion to amend this
Constitution, shall be lodged with the Secretary at least twenty-eight (28) days prior
to the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.
61. No amendment shall be made to this Constitution except by resolution passed at the
Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club. A
resolution to amend or, add to this Constitution must be passed by a two-thirds
majority of the votes cast at the meeting.
62. No amendment to this Constitution shall take effect unless and until it has been
approved by resolution of the Board of the League Club.
63. The income and property of the Club shall be applied solely for the promotion of the
objects of the Club set out in this Constitution and no portion thereof shall be paid
directly or indirectly by dividend, bonus or otherwise by way of profit to the members
of the Club. On a winding up the remaining assets of the Club shall only be transferred
to another non-profit club.
64. The Club is a sub-club of the League Club and is bound by the provisions of Rule 59
of the Constitution of the League Club.
65. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed.